CAMOC is about the city and its people—their history, their present and their future

In der Asphalstadt bin ich daheim  Bertolt Brecht

Sous les pavés, la plage Paris 1968

CAMOC is about the city and its people—their history, their present and their future. It is a forum for those who work in museums about cities, but also for anyone involved and interested in urban life: historians, urban planners, architects, citizens, all of whom can exchange knowledge and ideas across national frontiers.

City museums, by applying their special skills, have much to say that is relevant to modern society. Museums about cities need to interpret and explain urban society and the processes of change at work within it. Max Hebditch, Museum International July-September 1995

The sentiments in UNESCO’s declaration in May 2011., which we quote below underlay so much of our approach to the city: 
…urban heritage is for humanity a social, cultural and economic asset, defined by a historic layering of values that have been produced by successive and existing cultures and an accumulation of traditions and experiences, recognized as such in their diversity…

[While] the dynamic nature of living cities,…rapid and frequently uncontrolled development is transforming urban areas and their settings, which may cause fragmentation and deterioration to urban heritage with deep impacts on community values, throughout the world…

the principle of sustainable development provides for the preservation of existing resources, the active protection of urban heritage and its sustainable management is a condition sine qua non of development.

CAMOC in diverse languages 

En francais : CAMOC concerne la ville et ses habitants: leur histoire, leur vie présente et leur avenir. C’est un forum pour ceux qui travaillent dans les musées de ville, mais aussi pour ceux qui sont impliqués et intéressés par la vie urbaine : historiens, urbanistes, architectes, citoyens, tous ceux qui veulent échanger des connaissances et des idées à travers les frontières nationales.

En espagñol  : CAMOC es sobre la ciudad y su gente – sobre su historia, su presente y su futuro. Es un foro para los que trabajan en los museos de ciudades, pero también para todos los interesados en la vida urbana: historiadores, urbanistas, arquitectos, ciudadanos que pueden intercambiar conocimientos e ideas a nivel internacional.

Em português : O CAMOC é sobre as cidades e suas pessoas – sua história, seu presente e seu futuro. É um fórum para aqueles que trabalham em museus sobre cidades, mas também para todos aque les envolvidos e interessados na vida urbana: historiadores, planejadores urbanos, arquitetos, cidadãos, e todos os que podem compartilhar conhecimento e ideias a nível internacional.

Auf Deutsch : Die internationale Organisation CAMOC ist der Stadt und deren Bewohnern gewidmet, sowohl in der Vergangenheit wie auch in der Gegenwart und der Zukunft. Sie dient als Forum fúr diejenigen, die in städtischen Museen tätig sind, aber auch fúr alle, die irgendwie mit dem städtischen Leben zu tun haben: etwa Historiker, Stadtplaner, Architekten, Bürger, die über nationale Grenzen hinweg Wissen und Gedanken austauschen wollen.

На русском:это o городe и его люди – их история, их настоящее и их будущее. Это форум для тех, кто работает в музеях о городах, но тoже для тех, кто интересуется городской жизнью и участвует в ней: историков, планировщиков, архитекторов, горожан, для того чтобы все они могли обмениваться знаниями и идеями без границ.


日本語:CAMOC は、都市の過去、現在及び未来に関する博物館に勤務し、または関心を持っている博物館学、都市景観学、歴史学、都市人類学、考古学、社会学などの様々な専門家や研究者、学生、市民、皆のためのフォーラムです。