ICOM International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums Of Cities

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August 5, 2024

Webinar on Museums, Housing and the City Coming 19 September Conference

Join us for “Museums, housing and the city: international perspectives and challenges” on September 19th 2024 at 14:00 CET.

This special webinar is in support of the release of the Summer 2024 CAMOC Review. Learn about how museums are confronting topics such as affordable housing, climate change, gentrification, etc. in Barcelona, Birmingham, Paris, Chicago, New York City and  Miami.

Speakers include

  • Lisa Lee, National Public Housing Museum (Chicago USA)
  • Hilary Sample, Columbia University / MOS Architects (New York USA)
  • Jayne Murray, Druids Heath (Birmingham UK)
  • Paolo Susteric, Curator Bon Pastor/MUHBA (Barcelona, Catalunya ESP) Elisava School of Design & Engineering, UVic-UCC
  • Elena Pérez Rubiales, MUHBA (Barcelona, Catalunya ESP)
  • Robin Bachin, University of Miami (Miami USA)

The moderator will be CAMOC Board Member Andréa Cristina Delaplace, Editor CAMOC Review (Paris France) Research Associate CELAT – UQAM, PhD Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

Register online at

More information.
